Feb 1, 2013

Self Reflection The true secret to Personal Development and Changing Your life

By Hal Neff

It is usually everyone's goal to create improvements in life. This is a large section of simply existing on this specific earth. To achieve this purpose, it is important that every now and then that we take inventory of ourselves along with the life we are living.

You can call this specific task self reflection. Recently I came across this interesting quote. " I can boost my abilities through self-reflection because this tool has always has been within me. " While I don't know the person who came up with this specific saying, it is a absolute truth in all of our lives.

Self reflection is simply taking a step back and reviewing who we are and what we did with our goals as well as objectives and giving it a genuine assessment. If in this process we do not like what we see, then it is vital that you make some adjustments so your future outcome is more consistent with where are want to go.

So it is crucial to review questions such as "Am I pleased with where I am at? " "What are my entire life goals and am I on course to getting where I must finish? " Rather profound questions! These are questions that lots of people never really come to terms with. Yet, the ones who do, seem to get the most out of life.

In our lives, everything we do begins with a "thought". No one ever will take any action either good or bad without first thinking about it. What that suggests is that if we want to change our actions, we need to start to change our thoughts as an initial step. So how is that done? It begins by changing what goes into our minds through our own physical senses. We have five of these senses but primary the ones we have to keep close watch on are what gets into throughout eyes and what goes into through our ears.

If you begin to vary what enters your thoughts through your eyes along with ears, you will soon start to see a change happening in your life. It will reflect that input over the course of time. So if you want to become more positive, begin to put more positive input into your head through reading and following more positive input.

This will usually need you to take some action and make any time to find ways for these kinds of input to happen. This kind of action should be a daily action and needs to be something that is done purposefully and with intention. There will be often occasions when things will get in the way. I have found that the optimum time for this is early each day. Get up a half hour prior to when you would normally get up and make this time sacred for this kind of input.

If you begin doing this daily, you will quickly begin to identify a new found resilience and perspective in life. Self reflection is the important thing to any constructive change that can give you a greater happiness and happiness in life.

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