Mar 28, 2013

Joy and Happiness

By Sienna Nalin

Your happiness is vital. You have to start perking up and doing what you can to be the best you through finding what makes you happy. You control your life so start smiling and start having a happy spirit. (Image by Leo Reynolds via Flickr)

The Alphabet of Happiness is a reminder of the many ways to access happiness in your life now. Though at times it may appear to be elusive, happiness is all around you -- especially if you know where to look!

Being happy will better many things in your life because you will put forth the positivism towards all of those things. You are about to get three ways of being happy that have to do with the letter "C".

You have the choice as to how your life is going to go. No one else can set out how your life is going to go except you. You make the choice as to whether you are going to stay stuck in your sorrows or get up and be bigger than the horrible situations that enter your life. Make the choice to be strong make changes and be happy.

Connection is one of our fundamental human needs. It's also one of the building blocks of genuine happiness. Just looking at babies, it's clear that human connection and love are just as important as food for the very survival of the species. We are social animals and we depend on one another to flourish and grow. Connection has others aspects too, and each one adds a new dimension.

You must be creative. Being creative will make you happy and be a place to release stress. Whether it be you sculpting a beautiful piece of work or just writing, these things will make you feel happy because it is your work that you can see the beauty in. With being creative you can look at whatever master piece you have and remember you can and will be happy.

...Learn more from The Alphabet of Happiness: 'C' - Huffington Post

Creativity is how I access my happiness. By creating something so beautiful and new fills me with a sense of tranquility and that feeling makes me happy to just sit back and look at a beautiful work of art I produced. Which of the three words starting with a "C" from the Alphabet of Happiness fuels you or will you begin to use?

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